---Downloaded files--- The import files for: BuildPress Light were successfully downloaded! Initial max execution time = 50000 Files info: Site URL = http://damals.snowwhite-solutions.de Data file = /homepages/43/d628365979/htdocs/damals/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/demo-content-import-file_2017-06-18__12-34-59.xml Widget file = /homepages/43/d628365979/htdocs/damals/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/demo-widgets-import-file_2017-06-18__12-34-59.json Customizer file = /homepages/43/d628365979/htdocs/damals/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/demo-customizer-import-file_2017-06-18__12-34-59.dat Redux files: not defined! ---pt-ocdi/before_content_import--- ------ New AJAX call! [WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Black [WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Blue [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-catalog [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility exclude-from-search [WARNING] Failed to import product_type external [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility featured [WARNING] Failed to import pa_color Green [WARNING] Failed to import product_type grouped [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility outofstock [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-1 [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-2 [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-3 [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-4 [WARNING] Failed to import product_visibility rated-5 [WARNING] Failed to import product_type simple [WARNING] Failed to import product_type variable [WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Drills [WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Grinders [WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Hand Tools [WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Saws [WARNING] Failed to import product_cat Vacuum ---Importing widgets--- cs-1 : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive) Individuelles Menü - No Title - Imported to Inactive cs-2 : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive) Individuelles Menü - No Title - Imported to Inactive Blog Sidebar : Suche - No Title - Widget already exists Neueste Beiträge - No Title - Widget already exists Neueste Kommentare - No Title - Widget already exists Archive - No Title - Widget already exists Kategorien - No Title - Widget already exists Meta - No Title - Widget already exists Neueste Beiträge - Awesome Posts - Imported Text - Follow Us on Twitter - Imported Schlagwörter-Wolke - Tag Cloud - Imported shop-sidebar : Sidebar does not exist in theme (moving widget to Inactive) woocommerce_product_search - Search Products - Site does not support widget woocommerce_price_filter - Filter by price - Site does not support widget woocommerce_product_categories - Product Categories - Site does not support widget woocommerce_top_rated_products - Top Rated Products - Site does not support widget Header : ProteusThemes: Icon Box - 1-888-123-4567 - Imported ProteusThemes: Icon Box - 227 Marion Street - Imported ProteusThemes: Icon Box - Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00 - Imported ProteusThemes: Social Icons - No Title - Imported Footer : Text - ABOUT US - Imported Individuelles Menü - SERVICES - Imported Individuelles Menü - EXTRAS - Imported Text - OUR CONTACT - Imported Text - No Title - Imported ---Importing customizer settings--- Customizer settings import finished! ---pt-ocdi/after_import--- After import setup ended!